If you read my last post (AND THE WINNER OF THE COAL IN THE STOCKING AWARD IS…), you saw just a few examples of customer service lapses. Now, take a look at a little follow up:

When I spoke with the Coach store manager after the bag restoration problem, she had given me her cell number and encouraged me to call with any further issues. Taking inventory in my bag museum, I found a treasured vintage Coach bag that I use for travel. The construction's great. but it could use something to spice up the look. When I was in the store, I noticed that Coach is selling embellishments that can be fastened to their bags. Since there was a concern about whether I’d ruin the bag with this type of change, I texted the manager and asked if she would be there to help me. She quickly texted back that she’d be there and would be glad to help.

We found that, unfortunately, adding the decorations would damage my beloved bag. Oh well—I’d still use it, since it’s really serviceable. But, the manager took the extra time to think this through. She went to another counter, and came back with charms that could be attached and detached on the bag. They’d add style and interest, and wouldn’t affect the structure of the bag. I tried on a few——what a difference in look! And, with no risk of damage! I decided to buy one.

What did the manager do right to make up for prior poor customer service from her staff?

 1) She had been understanding when I reported the initial problem and gave me a genuine invitation to contact her for help in the future. She made good on that offer.

2) She did an expert and honest assessment of my original decoration idea.

3) She took the time to think outside of the box and found a solution that worked. 

So, in the words of Arnold, but with a positive spin, “I’ll be back”. 


Now, the bad part. After the last experience at my local Giant, we went to Wegman’s to shop this week. But Tracy likes McCormick GrillMates Mojito Lime marinade for chicken. Since she can’t find it near her, I wanted to get a few packs. (It’s really good. It makes baked chicken taste like it was done on the barbecue grill.) Wegman’s didn’t have it. So, I swallowed hard and decided to venture back to my local Giant, thinking that maybe I could deal with a very small order without incident. Howard decided to pass, since he’s still boycotting the store. Smart thinking, Howard.

I won’t bore you with the details, other than to say that I had a repeat—if not worse—of my last checkout experience. The cashier was apathetic, rude and all around awful. This time, I flagged down the front end manager and the manager on duty. They listened to my tale of woe about the experience, and both agreed that the cashier had been awful. The front end manager, to her credit, instructed the cashier to leave the register while she took over and finished the order. She also took $10 off of the bill. I’ve left a message for Executive, but haven’t heard back. For now, I’m with Howard—in boycott mode. 


So, I’m really happy with Coach. And as far as Giant’s concerned, it’s a nuisance to go elsewhere, but unless they do something major with the local store, I’m done. Paraphrasing a well known nursery rhyme:

This little piggy (me) went to market This little piggy (Howard) stayed home This little piggy had roast beef (from another store) This little piggy had none (which is pretty much what happens when you go to the local Giant) And this little piggy cried “I’m never going back there” All the way home